Thursday, July 14, 2005

From Fear to Flow/Teen Brain:Under Construction

Please answer these reflective questions about the chapter:

1. In what ways might you translate the principles presented in this chapter into practical everyday useful ideas?

2. If these things are, in fact true about the brain, what should we do differently? In what ways might you suggest we start doing this?

3. If you were to plan your next step for making your curriculum more brain-based what would that be?


Blogger Barney Slowey said...

hi Natalie...95% of the books on the brain and learning have been written in the last10 years and yet it still hasn't caught on in the educational community...We still plod on in our traditional ways for the most part...i don't think it's because teachers don't's because they don't know! ...I agree with you that if we had enlightened administrators that valued staff development the message would be much louder and forceful...But that's why you and the others have to tactfully spread the message as you begin the new year...Good luck

2:11 PM  

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